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  • Espinosa, J., Dejene, T., Fernández, C., Madrigal, J., Aponte, C., Martín-Pinto, P. 2023. Does helimulching after severe wildfire affect soil fungal diversity and community composition in a Mediterranean ecosystem? Science of the Total Environment:164752.pdf

  • Madrigal-González, J., Calatayud, J., Ballesteros-Cánovas, J. A., Escudero, A., Cayuela, L., Marqués, L., Rueda, M., Ruiz-Benito, P., Herrero, A., Aponte, C. 2023. Global patterns of tree density are contingent upon local determinants in the world’s natural forests. Communications Biology 6:1-6.pdf

  • Tanase, M. A., Nova, J. P. G., Marino, E., Aponte, C., Tomé, J. L., Yáñez, L., Madrigal, J., Guijarro, M., Hernando, C. 2022. Characterizing Live Fuel Moisture Content from Active and Passive Sensors in a Mediterranean Environment. Forests 13:1846.pdf

  • Waymouth, V., Miller, R. E., Kasel, S., Ede, F., Bissett, A., Aponte, C. 2022. Riparian fungal communities respond to land-use mediated changes in soil properties and vegetation structure. Plant and Soil:1-23.pdf

  • Burton, J. E., Bennett, L. T., Kasel, S., Nitschke, C. R., Tanase, M. A., Fairman, T. A., Parker, L., Fedrigo, M., Aponte, C. 2021. Fire, drought and productivity as drivers of dead wood biomass in eucalypt forests of south-eastern Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 482:118859.pdf

  • García-Duro, J., Ciceu, A., Chivulescu, S., Badea, O., Tanase, M. A., Aponte, C. 2021. Shifts in Forest Species Composition and Abundance under Climate Change Scenarios in Southern Carpathian Romanian Temperate Forests. Forests 12:1434.pdf

  • Karna, Y. K., Penman, T. D., Aponte, C., Gutekunst, C., Bennett, L. T. 2021. Indications of positive feedbacks to flammability through fuel structure after high-severity fire in temperate eucalypt forests. International Journal of Wildland Fire 30:664-679.pdf

  • Tanase, M. A., Borlaf-Mena, I., Santoro, M., Aponte, C., Marin, G., Apostol, B., Badea, O. 2021. Growing Stock Volume Retrieval from Single and Multi-Frequency Radar Backscatter. Forests 12:944.pdf

  • Waymouth, V., Miller, R. E., Kasel, S., Ede, F., Bissett, A., Aponte, C. 2021. Soil Bacterial Community Responds to Land-Use Change in Riparian Ecosystems. Forests 12:157.pdf

  • Aponte, C., Kasel, S., Nitschke, C. R., Tanase, M. A., Vickers, H., Parker, L., Fedrigo, M., Kohout, M., Ruiz‐Benito, P., Zavala, M. A. 2020. Structural diversity underpins carbon storage in Australian temperate forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29:789-802.pdf

  • Bennett, L. T., Hinko-Najera, N., Aponte, C., Nitschke, C. R., Fairman, T. A., Fedrigo, M., Kasel, S. 2020. Refining benchmarks for soil organic carbon in Australia’s temperate forests. Geoderma 368:114246.pdf

  • Bermudez-Contreras, A., Ede, F., Waymouth, V., Miller, R. E., Aponte, C. 2020. Revegetation technique changes root mycorrhizal colonisation and root fungal communities: the advantage of direct seeding over transplanting tube-stock in riparian ecosystems. Plant Ecology.pdf

  • Bermúdez-Contreras, A. I., Ede, F., Waymouth, V., Miller, R. E., Aponte, C. 2020. Revegetation technique changes root mycorrhizal colonisation and root fungal communities: the advantage of direct seeding over transplanting tube-stock in riparian ecosystems. Plant Ecology 221:813-828.pdf

  • Calatayud, J., Andivia, E., Escudero, A., Melián, C. J., Bernardo-Madrid, R., Stoffel, M., Aponte, C., Medina, N. G., Molina-Venegas, R., Arnan, X. 2020. Positive associations among rare species and their persistence in ecological assemblages. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4:40-45.pdf

  • Ciceu, A., Duro, J., Aponte, C., Pascu, I., Claudiu-Dobre, A., Zamfira, V., Leca, Ş., Pitar, D., Apostol, B., Apostol, E. 2020. Landis-II simulation model integration in Romania's forest management. Revista de Silvicultura si Cinegetica 25:47-55.pdf

  • Karna, Y. K., Penman, T. D., Aponte, C., Hinko-Najera, N., Bennett, L. T. 2020. Persistent changes in the horizontal and vertical canopy structure of fire-tolerant forests after severe fire as quantified using multi-temporal airborne lidar data. Forest Ecology and Management 472:118255.pdf

  • Madrigal-González, J., Calatayud, J., Ballesteros-Cánovas, J. A., Escudero, A., Cayuela, L., Rueda, M., Ruiz-Benito, P., Herrero, A., Aponte, C., Sagardia, R. 2020. Climate reverses directionality in the richness–abundance relationship across the World’s main forest biomes. Nature communications 11:1-7.pdf

  • Tran, B. N., Tanase, M. A., Bennett, L. T., Aponte, C. 2020. High-severity wildfires in temperate Australian forests have increased in extent and aggregation in recent decades. PloS one 15:e0242484.pdf

  • Waymouth, V., Miller, R., Ede, F., Bissett, A., Aponte, C. 2020a. Variation in soil microbial communities: elucidating relationships with vegetation and soil properties, and testing sampling effectiveness. Plant Ecology.pdf

  • Waymouth, V., Miller, R. E., Ede, F., Bissett, A., Aponte, C. 2020b. Variation in soil microbial communities: Elucidating relationships with vegetation and soil properties, and testing sampling effectiveness. Plant Ecology 221:837-851.pdf

  • Castro-Díez, P., Vaz, A. S., Silva, J. S., van Loo, M., Alonso, Á., Aponte, C., Bayón, Á., Bellingham, P. J., Chiuffo, M. C., DiManno, N., Julian, K., Kandert, S., Porta, N. L., Marchante, H., Maule, H. G., Mayfield, M. M., Metcalfe, D., Monteverdi, M. C., Núñez, M. A., Ostertag, R., Parker, I. M., Peltzer, D. A., Potgieter, L. J., Raymundo, M., Rayome, D., Reisman-Berman, O., Richardson, D. M., Roos, R. E., Saldaña, A., Shackleton, R. T., Torres, A., Trudgen, M., Urban, J., Vicente, J. R., Vilà, M., Ylioja, T., Zenni, R. D., Godoy, O. 2019. Global effects of non-native tree species on multiple ecosystem services. Biological Reviews 94:1477-1501.pdf

  • Castro‐Díez, P., Vaz, A. S., Silva, J. S., Van Loo, M., Alonso, Á., Aponte, C., Bayón, Á., Bellingham, P. J., Chiuffo, M. C., DiManno, N. 2019. Global effects of non‐native tree species on multiple ecosystem services. Biological Reviews.pdf

  • Karna, Y. K., Penman, T. D., Aponte, C., Bennett, L. T. 2019. Assessing Legacy Effects of Wildfires on the Crown Structure of Fire-Tolerant Eucalypt Trees Using Airborne LiDAR Data. Remote Sensing 11:2433.pdf

  • Marañón, T., Gil Martínez, M., Aponte, C., López García, Á., Madejón, P., Navarro-Fernández, C. M., Domínguez, M. T. 2019. Trees, soil chemistry and microbiota interactions: driving forces and feedback processes in a Mediterranean remediated ecosystem.pdf

  • Tanase, M. A., Villard, L., Pitar, D., Apostol, B., Petrila, M., Chivulescu, S., Leca, S., Borlaf-Mena, I., Pascu, I.-S., Dobre, A.-C. 2019a. Synthetic aperture radar sensitivity to forest changes: A simulations-based study for the Romanian forests. Science of the Total Environment 689:1104-1114.pdf

  • Tanase, M. A., Villard, L., Pitar, D., Apostol, B., Petrila, M., Chivulescu, S., Leca, S., Borlaf-Mena, I., Pascu, I.-S., Dobre, A.-C., Pitar, D., Guiman, G., Lorent, A., Anghelus, C., Ciceu, A., Nedea, G., Stanculeanu, R., Popescu, F., Aponte, C., Badea, O. 2019b. Synthetic aperture radar sensitivity to forest changes: A simulations-based study for the Romanian forests. Science of the Total Environment 689:1104-1114.pdf

  • Kaudal, B. B., Aponte, C., Brodie, G. 2018. Biochar from biosolids microwaved-pyrolysis: Characteristics and potential for use as growing media amendment. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 130:181-189.pdf

  • Tanase, M. A., Aponte, C., Mermoz, S., Bouvet, A., Le Toan, T., Heurich, M. 2018. Detection of windthrows and insect outbreaks by L-band SAR: A case study in the Bavarian Forest National Park. Remote Sensing of Environment 209:700-711.pdf

  • Tran, B., Tanase, M., Bennett, L., Aponte, C. 2018a. Evaluation of Spectral Indices for Assessing Fire Severity in Australian Temperate Forests. Remote Sensing 10:1680.pdf

  • Tran, B. N., Tanase, M. A., Bennett, L. T., Aponte, C. 2018b. Evaluation of Spectral Indices for Assessing Fire Severity in Australian Temperate Forests. Remote Sensing 10:1680.pdf

  • Bennett, L. T., Bruce, M. J., Machunter, J., Kohout, M., Krishnaraj, S. J., Aponte, C. 2017. Assessing fire impacts on the carbon stability of fire‐tolerant forests. Ecological Applications 27:2497-2513.pdf

  • Brodie, G., Kaudal, B., Aponte, C. 2017. The Response of Silver Beet to Microwave Generated Biochar.pdf

  • Kasel, S., Bennett, L. T., Aponte, C., Fedrigo, M., Nitschke, C. R. 2017. Environmental heterogeneity promotes floristic turnover in temperate forests of south-eastern Australia more than dispersal limitation and disturbance. Landscape Ecology:1-17.pdf

  • Nitschke, C. R., Waeber, P. O., Klaassen, J. W., Dordel, J., Innes, J. L., Aponte, C. 2017a. Nutrient uptake and use efficiency in co‐occurring plants along a disturbance and nutrient availability gradient in the boreal forests of the southwest Yukon, Canada. Journal of Vegetation Science 28:69-81.pdf

  • Nitschke, C. R., Waeber, P. O., Klaassen, W. I. J., Dordel, J., Innes, J. L., Aponte, C. 2017b. Nutrient uptake and use efficiency in co-occurring plants along a disturbance and nutrient availability gradient in the boreal forests of the southwest Yukon, Canada. Journal of Vegetation Science 28:69-81.pdf

  • Ossola, A., Aponte, C., Hahs, A. K., Livesley, S. J. 2017. Contrasting effects of urban habitat complexity on metabolic functional diversity and composition of litter and soil bacterial communities. Urban Ecosystems 20:595-607.pdf

  • Adams, M., Bell, T. L., Jenkins, M. E., Poon, L. F. C., Aponte, C. 2016. Production of pyrogenic carbon during planned fires in forests of East Gippsland, Victoria.pdf

  • Aponte, C., de Groot, W. J., Wotton, B. M. 2016. Forest fires and climate change: causes, consequences and management options. International Journal of Wildland Fire 25:i-ii.pdf

  • Bennett, L. T., Bruce, M. J., MacHunter, J., Kohout, M., Tanase, M. A., Aponte, C. 2016. Mortality and recruitment of fire-tolerant eucalypts as influenced by wildfire severity and recent prescribed fire. Forest Ecology and Management 380:107-117.pdf

  • Jenkins, M. E., Bell, T. L., Poon, L. F., Aponte, C., Adams, M. A. 2016. Production of pyrogenic carbon during planned fires in forests of East Gippsland, Victoria. Forest Ecology and Management 373:9-16.pdf

  • Tanase, M., Kennedy, R., Aponte, C. 2015a. Radar Burn Ratio for fire severity estimation at canopy level: An example for temperate forests. Remote Sensing of Environment 170:14-31.pdf

  • Tanase, M., Panciera, R., Lowell, K., Aponte, C. 2015b. Monitoring live fuel moisture in semiarid environments using L-band radar data. International Journal of Wildland Fire 24:560-572.pdf

  • Tanase, M. A., Kennedy, R., Aponte, C. 2015c. Fire severity estimation from space: a comparison of active and passive sensors and their synergy for different forest types. International Journal of Wildland Fire 24:1062-1075.pdf

  • Tanase, M. A., Kennedy, R., Aponte, C. 2015d. Radar Burn Ratio for fire severity estimation at canopy level: An example for temperate forests. Remote Sensing of Environment 170:14-31.pdf

  • Tanase, M. A., Panciera, R., Lowell, K., Aponte, C. 2015e. Monitoring live fuel moisture in semiarid environments using L-band radar data. International Journal of Wildland Fire 24:560-572.pdf

  • Aponte, C., Matías, L., González-Rodríguez, V., Castro, J., García, L. V., Villar, R., Marañón, T. 2014a. Soil nutrients and microbial biomass in three contrasting Mediterranean forests. Plant and Soil 380:57-72.pdf

  • Aponte, C., Tolhurst, K. G., Bennett, L. T. 2014b. Repeated prescribed fires decrease stocks and change attributes of coarse woody debris in a temperate eucalypt forest. Ecological Applications 24:976-989.pdf

  • Bennett, L. T., Aponte, C., Baker, T. G., Tolhurst, K. G. 2014. Evaluating long-term effects of prescribed fire regimes on carbon stocks in a temperate eucalypt forest. Forest Ecology and Management 328:219-228.pdf

  • Kodym, A., Clarke, I., Aponte, C., Turner, S., Bunn, E., Delpratt, J. 2014a. Large scale micropropagation of the Australian key species Gahnia radula (Cyperaceae) and its return to revegetation sites. Australian Journal of Botany 62:417-427.pdf

  • Kodym, A., Clarke, I., Aponte, C., Turner, S., Bunn, E., Delpratt, J. 2014b. Large-scale micropropagation of the Australian key species Gahnia radula (Cyperaceae) and its return to revegetation sites. Australian Journal of Botany 62:417-427.pdf

  • Pérez-Ramos, I. M., Aponte, C., García, L. V., Padilla-Díaz, C. M., Marañón, T. 2014. Why Is Seed Production So Variable among Individuals? A Ten-Year Study with Oaks Reveals the Importance of Soil Environment. PloS one 9:e115371.pdf

  • Rawal, D., Kasel, S., Keatley, M., Aponte, C., Nitschke, C. 2014. Environmental effects on growth phenology of co-occurring Eucalyptus species. International journal of biometeorology 58:427-442.pdf

  • Tanase, M. A., Panciera, R., Lowell, K., Aponte, C., Hacker, J. M., Walker, J. P. 2014a. Forest biomass estimation at high spatial resolution: Radar versus lidar sensors. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 11:711-715.pdf

  • Tanase, M. A., Panciera, R., Lowell, K., Aponte, C., Hacker, J. M., Walker, J. P. 2014b. Forest Biomass Estimation at High Spatial Resolution: Radar vs. Lidar sensors. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 11:711-715.pdf

  • Tanase, M. A., Santoro, M., Aponte, C., de la Riva, J. 2014c. Polarimetric Properties of Burned Forest Areas at C- and L-Band. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 7:267-276.pdf

  • Aponte, C., García, L., Marañón, T. 2013a. Tree species effects on nutrient cycling and soil biota: a feedback mechanism favouring species coexistence. Forest Ecology and Management 309:36-46.pdf

  • Aponte, C., García, L. V., Marañón, T. 2013b. Tree species effects on nutrient cycling and soil biota: a feedback mechanism favouring species coexistence. Forest Ecology and Management 309:36-46.pdf

  • Bennett, L. T., Aponte, C., Tolhurst, K. G., Löw, M., Baker, T. G. 2013a. Decreases in standing tree-based carbon stocks associated with repeated prescribed fires in a temperate mixed-species eucalypt forest. Forest Ecology and Management 306:243-255.pdf

  • Bennett, L. T., Aponte, C., Tolhurst, K. G., Löw, M., Baker, T. G. 2013b. Decreases in tree-based carbon stocks associated with repeated prescribed fires in a temperate mixed-species eucalypt forest. Forest Ecology and Management 306:243-255.pdf

  • De Vita, P., Serrano, M. S., Ramo, C., Aponte, C., García, L. V., Belbahri, L., Sánchez, M. E. 2013. First report of root rot caused by Pythium spiculum affecting cork oaks at Doñana Biological Reserve in Spain. Plant Disease 97:991-991.pdf

  • Domínguez, M. T., Gutiérrez González, E., Ávila Castuera, J. M., Gutiérrez Hernández, O., González Domínguez, B., Ramo, C., Aponte, C., García, L. V. 2013. Alteraciones biogeoquímicas mediadas por aves en el alcornocal de la Reserva Biológica de Doñana: efectos en las comunidades microbianas del suelo.pdf

  • Tanase, M. A., Panciera, R., Lowell, K., Aponte, C., Hacker, J. M., Walker, J. P. 2013. Forest biomass estimation at high spatial resolution: Radar versus lidar sensors. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 11:711-715.pdf

  • Vita, P. D., Serrano, M. S., Ramo, C., Aponte, C., García, L. V., Belbahri, L., Sánchez, M. 2013. First Report of Root Rot Caused by Pythium spiculum Affecting Cork Oaks at Doñana Biological Reserve in Spain. Plant Disease 97:991-991.pdf

  • Aponte, C., García, L. V., Marañón, T. 2012a. Tree Species Effect on Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Release in Mediterranean Oak Forests Changes Over Time. Ecosystems 15:1204-1218.pdf

  • Aponte, C., Garcia V., L., Marañón, T. 2012b. Tree species effect on litter decomposition and nutrient release in Mediterranean oak forests change over time. Ecosystems 15:1204-1218.pdf

  • De Vita, P., García, L. V., Ramo, C., Serrano, M. S., Aponte, C., Sánchez Hernández, M. E. 2012. Quick dissemination of Phytophthora cinnamomi threatens biodiversity in a World Heritage Site (Doñana Biological Reserve, SW Spain).pdf

  • Domínguez, M. T., Aponte, C., Pérez-Ramos, I. M., García, L. V., Villar, R., Marañón, T. 2012. Relationships between leaf morphological traits, nutrient concentrations and isotopic signatures for Mediterranean woody plant species and communities. Plant and Soil 357:407-424.pdf

  • Perales, C. A., Ramos, I. M. P., Moreno, B. I., Núñez, M. T. D., García, L. V., Aparicio, L. G. 2012. Interacciones árbol-suelo y funcionamiento del bosque mediterráneo: síntesis del proyecto INTERBOS. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales:81-89.pdf

  • Aponte, C. 2011a. Plant-soil interactions in a Mediterranean forest (In Spanish) / Interacciones planta-suelo en un bosque Mediterráneo. Ecosistemas 20:95-100.pdf

  • Aponte, C. 2011b. Interacciones planta-suelo en un bosque mediterráneo. Ecosistemas 20.pdf

  • Aponte, C., García, L. V., Gutiérrez González, E., Marañón, T. 2011a. Patrones de descomposición y liberación de nutrientes a partir de la hojarasca en un bosque mixto de alcornoque y quejigo.pdf

  • Aponte, C., García, L. V., Pérez-Ramos, I. M., Gutiérrez, E., Marañón, T. 2011b. Oak trees and soil interactions in Mediterranean forests: a positive feedback model. Journal of Vegetation Science 22:856-867.pdf

  • Aponte, C., García, L. V., Pérez‐Ramos, I. M., Gutiérrez, E., Marañón, T. 2011c. Oak trees and soil interactions in Mediterranean forests: a positive feedback model. Journal of Vegetation Science 22:856-867.pdf

  • Aponte, C., Marañón, T., García, L. V., Gardes, M. 2011d. Patrones de diversidad de hongos ectomicorrícicos en un bosque mixto: papel del árbol huésped y del medio edáfico.pdf

  • De Vita, P., Serrano, M. S., García, L. V., Ramo, C., Aponte, C., Gómez Aparicio, L., Sánchez Hernández, M. E. 2011. Iinfluencia de las deyecciones aviarias en la distribución de oomicetos en el suelo de alcornocal en el Parque Nacional de Doñana.pdf

  • García, L. V., Ramo, C., Aponte, C., Moreno, A., Domínguez, M. T., Gómez-Aparicio, L., Redondo, R., Marañón, T. 2011. Protected wading bird species threaten relict centenarian cork oaks in a Mediterranean Biosphere Reserve: A conservation management conflict. Biological Conservation 144:764-771.pdf

  • Marañón, T., Aponte, C., Ramos, I. M. P., Ibáñez, B., Domínguez, M., García, L. V., Aparicio, L. G. 2011. Interacciones árbol-suelo y funcionamiento del bosque mediterráneo.pdf

  • Serrano, M. S., De Vita, P., García, L. V., Ramo, C., Aponte, C., Gómez-Aparicio, L., Sánchez, M. E. 2011. Influence of bird-induced soil fertility gradients on oomycete distribution in a threatened Quercus suber population.pdf

  • Aponte, C., García, L. V., Marañón, T., Gardes, M. 2010a. Indirect host effect on ectomycorrhizal fungi: Leaf fall and litter quality explain changes in fungal communities on the roots of co-occurring Mediterranean oaks. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42:788-796.pdf

  • Aponte, C., Kazakis, G., Ghosn, D., Papanastasis, V. 2010b. Characteristics of the soil seed bank in Mediterranean temporary ponds and its role in ecosystem dynamics. Wetlands Ecology and Management 18:243-253.pdf

  • Aponte, C., Kazakis, G., Ghosn, D., Papanastasis, V. P. 2010c. Characteristics of the soil seed bank in Mediterranean temporary ponds and its role in ecosystem dynamics. Wetlands Ecology and Management 18:243-253.pdf

  • Aponte, C., Marañón, T., García, L. V. 2010d. Interacciones ecológicas árbol-suelo en un bosque mixto de quejigos y alcornoques.pdf

  • Aponte, C., Marañón, T., García, L. V. 2010e. Microbial C, N and P in soils of Mediterranean oak forests: influence of season, canopy cover and soil depth. Biogeochemistry 101:77-92.pdf

  • De Vita, P., Callier, P., Serrano, M. S., Ramo, C., García, L. V., Aponte, C., Trapero, A., Sánchez, M. E. 2010. Cork oak diseases at Doñana National Park (SW Spain).pdf

  • García, L. V., Aponte, C., Ramo, C., De Vita, P., Gómez-Aparicio, L., Madejón, P., Domínguez, M. T., Gutiérrez González, E., Moreno López, A., Cara García, J. S. 2010. El decaimiento del alcornocal en el Parque Nacional de Doñana: papel de los cambios bióticos y abióticos en el suelo.pdf

  • Ramo, C., Marañón, T., Aponte, C., Domínguez, M. T., De Vita, P., Moreno López, A., Gómez-Aparicio, L., Burgos, P., Callier, P., Sánchez, M. E. 2010. Decline of relict centennial cork oaks in Doñana (SW Spain) and potential deleterious effect of tree-nesting colonial waterbirds.pdf

  • Aponte, C., García, L. V., Marañón, T., Gardes, M. 2009a. La comunidad de hongos micorrícicos en un bosque de quercíneas Mediterráneo.pdf

  • Aponte, C., Marañón, T., García, L. V. 2009b. Microbial C, N and P in a Mediterranean oak forest soil: influence of abiotic conditions and canopy composition.pdf

  • Marañón, T., Domínguez, M. T., Aponte, C., Carpio, M., Manuel, J., García, L. V., Villar, R. 2009. Leaf trace element spectrum in woody plants in south Spain.pdf

  • Quero, J. L., Villar, R., Poorter, L., Marañón, T., Matías, L., Aponte, C., García, L. V., Casado, R., Herrero, A., Suárez, E. 2009. Espectro de variación foliar en bosques mediterráneos del sur de la Península Ibérica.pdf

  • Quero Pérez, J. L., Villar Montero, R., Poorter, L., Marañón, T., Matías Resina, L., Aponte, C., García, L. V., Casado, R., Herrero, A., Suárez, E. 2009. Espectro de variación foliar en bosques mediterráneos del sur de la Península Ibérica.pdf

  • Aponte, C., García, L. V., Navarro Copete, M., Gutiérrez González, E., Pérez-Ramos, I. M., Pozo, M. d., Marañón, T. 2008. Variabilidad espacial a diferentes escalas en el desfronde de dos especies de Quercus y su relación con la heterogeneidad del suelo subyacente.pdf

  • García, L. V., Aponte, C., Pozuelos Rojas, A., Gutiérrez González, E., Florido Fernández, M. d. C., Pérez-Ramos, I. M., Marañón Arana, T. 2008. Relación entre la composición de las hojas, desfronde, hojarasca y suelo en un bosque mixto de Quercus Suber L. y Q. Canariensis Willd. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 2008 (25), 201-207.pdf

  • Perales, C. A., Fernández, L. V. G., Copete, M. N., González, E. G., Ramos, I. M. P., del Pozo, M. 2008. Variabilidad espacial a diferentes escalas en el desfronde de dos especies de" Quercus" y su relación con la heterogeneidad del suelo subyacente. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales:73-78.pdf

  • Aponte, C. 2007. The soil seed bank of Mediterranean temporary ponds in western Crete.pdf

  • Aponte, C., García, L., Pérez-Ramos, I., Gutiérrez, E., Marañón, T. El retorno de nutrientes a través de la hojarasca y sus efectos en las condiciones del suelo. Interacciones planta-suelo en un bosque mediterráneo:63.pdf

  • Aponte, C., Zamfira, V., Pitar, D., Claudiu-Dobre, A., Pascu, I. S., Leca, Ș., Ciceu, A., Duro, J. G., Apostol, B., Chivulescu, Ș. Evaluarea posibilității de implementare a unui sistem național de monitorizare a pădurilor bazat pe tehnologii de Observare a Terrei.pdf

  • Ciceu, A., Duro, J. G., Aponte, C., Pascu, I. S., Claudiu-Dobre, A., Zamfira, V., Leca, Ș., Pitar, D., Apostol, B., Apostol, E. N. Integrarea modelului de simulare Landis-II în gospodărirea pădurilor din România. Silvicultură Cinegetică:47.pdf

  • Domínguez, M., Aponte, C., Pérez-Ramos, I., García, L., Villar, R., Marañón, T. Heterogeneidad de rasgos foliares y su relación con el funcionamiento de las plantas y los ecosistemas mediterráneos. Interacciones planta-suelo en un bosque mediterráneo:27.pdf


Departamento de Medio Ambiente y Agronomía

Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria




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